Monday, February 23, 2009


The key to understanding the Amelia Earhart mystery is found by learning how the mystery began, and by realizing the questions about it that could not be answered.

With what should have been an ample fuel supply remaining, and while Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan were still safely airborne, officially, after Amelia gave her last line of position all radio contact with her was lost. For hours she’d been unable to receive transmissions leading up to that moment. Suddenly she was heard from no more, while safely airborne with plenty of fuel. She never said she was in any danger.

Amelia had told her good friend in Bureau of Air Commerce Chief, Gene Vidal how if she had trouble finding Howland Island, she would try until she had at least four hours of fuel remaining, thus enabling her to make it back to the Gilbert Islands. And while in flight, after her last line of position transmission that included her final words of “we are running north and south” was received about an hour after her initial approach to Howland, Earhart was heard from no more. The date was July 2, 1937.

Interesting to note here, the ‘unabridged’ radio log of Earhart’s last transmission includes her given line of position only, while nowhere did it record her to have said, “we are running north and south.” Indeed, an Australian O-2 US Intelligence dispatch in 1938 specified it heard Earhart say she was heading “north” only and she continued to be “heard at intervals, her signals becoming weaker each time received.” So with her given line of position as 337 degrees as her northern heading, a slight jog to her port side would have found the upper Gilberts or lower Marshalls, and four hours of fuel would have allowed her to make it.

It appeared essential, to someone at least, that Earhart’s last words needed to be left as a question mark. By adding “and south” to the word “north,” it left the public scratching its collective head saying to itself, “Well… which way did she end up going(?) for she could not have flown both ways….” Eventually she chose one direction only, and the case of ‘north’ having been it was fortified.

STILL… and once more, officially Earhart, Noonan, and their plane were not seen nor heard from again beyond the morning of July 2, 1937...after Earhart last gave her line of position at 8:44AM. Again, she was still safely airborne at the time, and top Lockheed experts who described Earhart’s plane as still carrying enough fuel for Earhart and Noonan to select another ground-fall option, only leads one to believe in such a thing as a strong possibility, if not the outright probability.

No matter, for even where various “Earhart survived beyond July 2, 1937” theories exist, it can be fairly stated where so, to this date no one authentically knows where Amelia was or what she was actually doing at anytime after July 2, 1937 and before the end of World War Two.

This also equates to how no one knew the spirit of Amelia Earhart in any other way, than how it had been recognized up until July 2, 1937.

The idea that Amelia survived at all beyond July 2, 1937 is met by an exact challenge to ‘prove it.’ And although some investigative researchers declared how her post July 2, 1937 survival has been sufficiently proven, official silence only greeted all takers, and it would always remain that way.

So in 1991 when former Seton Hall University President Monsignor James Francis Kelley spoke of a woman he knew quite well for many years until 1982 to have formerly been known as Amelia Earhart, and where such a woman’s face and full body appeared as head to toe congruent with Amelia’s face and full body, official silence greeted this too. The U. S. Government has never said ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to it as a reality. Rather, it has always elected to say nothing at all instead.

In the case of the Irene Craigmile Bolam who Joe A. Gervais met, recognized, and photographed in 1965... realize too how twenty-six years later in 1991, Monsignor Kelley was talking about the same Irene Craigmile Bolam Joe Gervais referred to, when he claimed her to have been the living ‘former’ Amelia Earhart, while it was well known by his own family and friends how Kelley had been her long time ‘dear friend’ who had served as her ‘confessor.’

In essence, beyond the forensic evidence and argument presenting the sound logic of it all, both the distinguished and smart minded gentlemen as Joe Gervais and Monsignor Kelley described the same Irene Craigmile Bolam person, who was only identified that way from 1945 to 1982, to have hands-down been the non-recognized former Amelia Earhart. And to this day… no one has ever disproved either of them.

Today there are several Earhart research scholars who strongly agree with such a historically non-accepted, albeit realistic equation, although official silence dodges their collective desire to learn the missing facts, that pertain to the former Amelia Earhart’s existence as it would have been between the dates of July 2, 1937 and VJ Day in August of 1945.


Alex said...

The theory is interesting, but alas until today no shade of factual proof of it was ever found.

Meanwhile Irene Bolam's and Amelia Earhart's differences in the body structures were significant and obvious. AE was well known as a slim, relatively tall (5'8") individual, almost flat-chested. Her friend Marian Stabler described her as having the “longest legs in the world,” with the “body of a contortionist,” who could “curl all of her five-feet, eight-inches within the area of a sofa cushion without nothing hanging over the edges, and take a nap of indefinite length with no apparent discomfort.”

By comparison, Irene Bolam was a considerably more matronly lady, with bigger breasts and shorter legs than Earhart. The two were also of differing heights. Many documented sources such as passports, drivers and pilot’s licenses, etc., list Amelia’s height at 5’8” or very close to it. Irene Craigmile Bolam was significantly shorter.

Her private pilot’s license identification card, issued Aug. 10, 1934, lists Irene Craigmile’s height at 5’5”. The News Tribune investigation found that Irene Bolam’s passport also lists her height at 5’5”. And New Jersey Driver’s License, issued in 1967, also lists Irene’s height as 5’5”.

Trying to confirm their hypothesis, the late Mr. Rollin Reineck and Mr. Tod Swindell submitted a set of photographic overlays of Earhart and Bolam to Dr. Todd Fenton (Michigan) and Dr. Walter Birkby (Arizona) - both certified professional forensic experts, asking them to compare scientifically the persons photographed. The long-awaited conclusion of the scientists followed in May 2005, and was reported by Mr. Reineck to the Amelia Earhart Society Internet Forum, with understandable disappointment on his part. According to him, the doctors closely reviewed and studied the material for a considerable length of time, but they refused to confirm, officially or unofficially, that any exact similarities exist between photographs of Amelia Earhart and Irene Craigmile Bolam.
In November 2006, the National Geographic Channel aired episode two of the Undiscovered History series and the IB theory was one of the topics discussed there. Kevin Richlin, a professional criminal forensic expert hired by National Geographic, studied photographs of both women and cited many measurable facial differences between Earhart and Bolam - firmly denying any possibility that Bolam was Earhart.

Actually the story of scientific study of the Bolam theory can be traced back at least into early 80s. In the mentioned series of articles from 1982, The News Tribune of Woodbridge, N.J., reported the results of study of Dr. Oscar Tosi, the world's foremost expert on voice identification.
A quote from the Dec.17, 1982, edition: “Expert: Speakers different. Stories by SUE EMMONS, News Tribune suburban editor. 1982, Middlesex County Publishing Co TESTS: Two Women Not The Same Irene Bolam was not Amelia Earhart, according to the world's foremost expert on voice identification.
Dr. Oscar Tosi has conducted comparison testing of the tape recorded voices of Mrs. Bolam and Miss Earhart and has determined that the two women were not the same. Dr. Tosi is head of the Speech and Hearing Sciences Research Laboratory at Michigan State University's Institute of Voice Identification. Dr. Tosi has been qualified many times in court proceedings as an expert witness in the field of voice identification.
Among his appearances were two in Middlesex County where the admissibility of his testing was upheld as valid. His method of voice identification has won acceptance in many courts in the United States and abroad, both as an exclusionary criminal justice device and to determine if voices are the same”.
The method is considered as valid as fingerprints in determining identity based on the theory that, like fingerprints, no two voices are exactly the same”.

Alex said...

Also, there were many people who knew BOTH women personally, and they all were convinced that AE and IB were different persons, and the person named Irene Bolam was the same individual during all her life - without "substitutions" etc.

There are many obvious stretches in the story, and the questions without a proper and reasonable answers.

Why AE would want to abandon her identity to become a New Jersey housewife? No fact or even believable theoretical reasons have ever been presented, only speculative guesses in complete contradiction with many credible historical sources about AE's character and personality have been offered.

How it was possible for AE to abandon her family, especially her mother and sister, to whom she was extremely close?

How it was possible for her to abandon and never contact her husband George Putnam, as well as her numerous friends? AE's loyalty to family and friends was legendary and was among her most firmly proven, publicly known and deservedly celebrated qualities.

Where was AE between 1937 and 1945? An impressive body of evidence has been amassed that indicates her presence on Saipan as a prisoner of Japanese, but no evidence has ever been found to indicate her "evacuation" from Saipan - whether documental or anecdotal. Neither has any evidence been produced from Japan to indicate AE's presence there that appears minimally credible in any way.

The alleged evidence that Monsignor James F. Kelley allegedly assisted AE in her repatriation is highly disputable. Analysis of Kelley's other, similar outlandish claims has shown them to be factually incorrect.
His extensive memories contains no any mentioning of Amelia Earhart. On the other side, it contains a several stories that were proven as falcificated ones.
Several serious researchers, as result of an extensive studying, have concluded that he probably began developing some kind of dementia and mental frailty while in his 80s.
Some of his claims appear simply bizarre, such as his recollection of personally shaving AE's head in search of some "secret Japanese implants" (???....)

Alex said...

Meanwhile, what happened to the real, original Irene Bolam?
It was shown that she certainly existed between 1934 and 1945, and was working in the banking business in New York City.
So why would the US Government use the name and identity of a real person, known by many people and living an active, normal life, in a plot to transform this individual into another, discrete individual (AE) without these people becoming aware of it?...

How and why could such an immense and long-lived conspiracy, with hundreds or even thousands of people necessarily involved, be organized and kept secret for decades?
It has been proposed that AE's family and friends were aware of the conspiracy, but were all somehow persuaded to remain silent about it.
But nothing of substance has ever been offered to support this idea, and it's virtually impossible to assume that so many people, by some "secret agreement", successfully concealed this plot from entire world for many decades. It is extremely hard to keep such a stuff in secrecy - for both "technical" and emotional reasons.

If even to guess that the "price of secrecy" that AE was compelled to pay included abandoning her family and friends, why then would AE, as IB, go on to live such a documented, semi-public lifestyle, attending aviation-related public events, joining organizations like Zontas and 99s (where AE was a former member) and meeting numerous people who personally knew AE?...

Finally - if it was a "great conspiracy" with a governmental interests involved - why would the U.S.Government allow the personal meeting of IB and Mr. Joe Gervais, who was already well known as a persistent AE researcher?...

Considering all the above, it seems very difficult to accept the concept of Amelia Earhart's secret repatriation as Irene Bolam. It still looks like just a theory, and enough far-fetched and not much realistic one, at that.

Respectfully submitted - Alex V. Mandel, PhD (Amelia Earhart enthusiast and historian since 1980s)

Vince Welsh said...


When are you going to update your Blog? This is a huge cliffhanger.
